Archive for Red Eye

Cash For Monsters, Paranormal TV, Legal Killers

Posted in Bigfoot, Evil, Ghosts, Giant Monsters, Nature Gone Wild, Science Fiction, Slashers with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2018 by Drinkin' & Drive-in


Here’s a slick piece of marketing — Capcom™, maker of video games — has created a promotion around Monster Hunter: World, which has already sold over 5 million copies. Teaming with The Centre of Fortean Zoology founder Jonathan Downes, Capcom™ is offering £50,000 ($70,000 USD) “to anyone who can provide conclusive evidence of one of 10 real-life monsters”.


Fellas, get out your checkbook — of the 10 monsters, I have proof of 11. (I put Bigfoot on there twice, because he’s twice as cool as any other cryptid.) If you wanna get in on this paranormal payday action, here’s the list of Capcom’s™ Most Wanted…

• Bigfoot

• The Loch Ness Monster

• Mongolian Death Worm

• Mermaid

• Earth Hound

• The Yeti/Almasty

• Chupacabra

• The Flying Snake of Namibia

• Yowie

• Cornish Owlman

In their press release, Capcom™ says before they cough up the coin, you must provide proof of one of these monsters by June 20, 2018 in order to clock some dollaz. (After receiving the evidence, Downes and his team will analyze it, and any hunter who provides definite proof will be awarded the prize, with multiple winners splitting the pot.)

Mongolian Death Worm

Just so you know, I’m not splitting my winnings with anyone. My bar tab ain’t gonna pay for itself. (Hint: In bars is where I found most of the monsters. But look in Taco Bell™ restroom toilets for Mongolian Death Worms.)

While you get an expedition together, here are a few upcoming horror and sci-fi movies that may or may not be worth hunting down…

Red Eye

RED EYE (February 9, 2018)
Gage Barker, a young man who grew up on the tales of Red Eye as a kid, learns that there could be some truth behind these folk tales. This myth covers a violent, deranged masked murderer, who dwells in the backwoods of Black Creek, West Virginia. With a group of his friends and his camera equipment in tow, they hike into the woods to seek him out or to prove that he is nothing more than a myth.”

Violent deranged masked murderer. Four words that go together as seamlessly as “super fun happy slide.” As for the friends going into the woods to look for Red Eye (he has a conjunctivitis prone sister — Pink Eye), I call dibs on anything cool you might own.


UNSANE (March 23, 2018)
“A young woman is involuntarily committed to a mental institution. She is then confronted by her greatest fear…but is it real or is it a product of her delusion?”

Word around the produce aisle is that this movie was shot entirely on an iPhone™. Pfffft — anyone can do that because everybody in the freaking grocery store has an iPhone™. Want to really make an impression? Trying filming a horror movie using only two empty cans of Del MonteCreamed Corn™ tethered by a long piece of wax string. All bars in all places.

The First Purge

THE FIRST PURGE (July 4, 2018)
“Behind every tradition lies a revolution. Next Independence Day, witness the rise of our country’s 12 hours of annual lawlessness. Welcome to the movement that began as a simple experiment: The First Purge. To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the marginalized, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation.”

Thanks to the current political climate, this prequel makes perfect sense. But they’re overlooking the irony; the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) are the ones creating the public’s aggressive behavior. Why else would the clearly Republican paperboy flip me off every day? (Okay, I may have started it. But he should be the bigger person here, the punk.)

Our House

OUR HOUSE (2018)
“A young genius accidentally invents a device that amplifies the paranormal activity within his family’s house, possibly bringing back the spirits of loved ones, and unleashing things far worse.”

Uh, no — the “young genius” didn’t invent a paranormal activating amplification device. It’s already been around for multiple decades — and it’s called a “TV”. While mine doesn’t bring back spirits of dead people, if you get the expanded programming package, you can unleash all kinds of things, far worse and beyond.

Ghosts on a Train

Posted in Asian Horror, Foreign Horror, Ghosts with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 14, 2016 by Drinkin' & Drive-in

Red Eye

As a little girl, Oh Mi-sun’s train conductor father was deemed responsible for a commuter train wreck that killed 100 or so travelers. This coincided with her birthday. (Looks like no B-day present from papa this year.) This causes Oh Mi-sun to internalize inner shame for 15 years.

Red Eye 2

Now old enough to get a job and buy her own dang presents, she takes a position as an attendant assigned to ride on this particular train’s last run. Oh, yeah — several of the train cars not damaged by the wreck all those shame-filled years ago are the very ones she’s serving Sapporo™ and squid snacks on. What are the odds?

Red Eye

Slowly, Oh Mi-sun starts having visions of dead people on the implied haunted train (they better have a ticket). Along the way the choo choo stops on the track to let a little ghost girl go by — long enough to allow the ghost train behind them to merge into a “two-for-one” hell ride.

Red Eye

In a pace made for ghost snails, it comes to our attention that the conductor also had links to the past ka-BOOM. Then several more passengers are given time to associate themselves with the historic disaster. Things finally pick up as the ghost train and the regular train come to their proposed conclusion (see, “ka-BOOM!”). Oh Mi-sun’s dead dad re-appears for a look see, as do several other dead-yet-breathing passengers.

Red Eye

Normally a ghost train movie would be a welcome site to my sore TV. Not this one. South Korea’s Red Eye (2005) is slow, patience-testing and filled with coach-class special effects. By the time it was over I felt as though the ghost train had left me at the station. All a-bored.

Red Eye

P.S. I challenge you to not confuse this Red Eye with the U.S. Red Eye, with the same title and released the same year. This one takes place on a plane. That rhymes with train, so I can see why you might be flummoxed.