Archive for nu metal horror

Printed Horror, Supernatural Weather, Irish Spirits

Posted in Classic Horror, Evil, Ghosts, Misc. Horror, Nature Gone Wild, paranormal, Science Fiction, Witches with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2023 by Drinkin' & Drive-in

As a collector of horror/sci-fi movie magazines (I have complete sets of 47 obscure/out-of-print titles), it’s great news to see Jump Scare, a new one, is coming out. Committing to print while most go digital is as rare as finding all the issues of Famous Monsters of Filmland, which I’ve been trying to do since birth. (ManSplat, my own monsters, rock ‘n roll, beer, pop culture magazine since 1995, will always be printed as reading a digital publication on the porcelain throne lacks a certain…appeal). P.S. I do have a website, but just a landing page as anything more than that would blow my indie cred. Click here to see it.

From what I was able to glean from the Internet: “Jump Scare, a new quarterly horror zine, has launched its first issue for $5. Created by journalist Matt Cohen, it includes essays on experimental horror and nu metal horror, an interview with Scream VI writer/producer James Vanderbilt, and more. Stephanie Monohan illustrated the cover art.”

So while we click this to get a copy, here are a few upcoming horror/sci-fi movies that may or may not get reviewed in print…

NIGHT OF THE INSOLENT VERMIN / July 25, 2023 (VOD, Blu-ray)

“A diverse group of girlfriends and a Dominican drifter they snatched from a couple of creeps, decide to hunker down together to ride out a colossal hurricane rolling through Florida. But this is no ordinary mega storm — it has supernatural-like powers. It turns innocent, docile, cockroaches into freakishly aggressive roach armies. It turns dumb day-laboring lawn guys into even dumber menacing stalkers. And it sends Central Florida into martial law. But it’s up to this group of ladies to form a super squad and save Orlando! Few movies, in the history of cinema, have made silly so sexy, or chaos so much fun!”

Great title. And cockroaches becoming freakishly aggressive due to a mega storm with supernatural powers? Has someone been reading my diary again?


“When photographers Erin and Patrick are brought aboard the ship with their young son Lukas, they unleash a series of events that entwines their family with the Queen Mary’s dark past. As the terror unfolds around them they begin to realize there is more to this sumptuous ocean liner than meets the eye; its remarkable legacy masking violent secrets. As Erin and Patrick uncover the haunted layers that the vast ship contains, it becomes increasingly clear that there is only one way out for them — to go even deeper.”

I went to a hosted party on the Queen Mary back in the mid-’90s. Didn’t see any ghosts, though. And I thought parties were supposed to fun.

HORROR IN THE FOREST / Release pending 2023 (VOD)

“Three intrepid paranormal investigators venture into the depths of Rudwick Forest, where the sinister presence of a vengeful witch has cast a dark curse. They embark on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries surrounding the forest’s enigmatic past, which is tainted by a series of baffling disappearances that have remained unexplained for ages.”

The baffling disappearances can be chalked up to witch-cursed bears chowing down anyone who comes near their flavor palate. Maybe they should call this one, The Bear Witch Project

HAUNTED ULSTER LIVE / Release pending (2023/2024)

“On Halloween night 1998, a local TV crew investigates a haunted house in Belfast, Northern Ireland. What they broadcast hasn’t been seen in 25 years.”

I’ve been to Belfast. Got haunted by a lot of spirits, most notably Clotworthy Dobbin. Thirteen pints of that stuff will turn you into a spirit, if you catch my comedy gold.